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 Home - nathankmbowie.com
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Hobbyist content creator/author working in tech. From the western  portion of the northeast united states, exact location changes every so often.

📼 Videos by Me
I occasionally make videos of varying quality on stuff. What kind of stuff? All sorts, though mostly tech related. It's all on YouTube, though I mirror my content on DTube & Hive.
Youtube - Dtube (mirror) - Hive (mirror + text)
📖 How to Leak Documents & Surf the Web Anonymously
I wrote a book a while back. Despite the name it was written casually a hobby. If you wanna toy around with some tech or write an anonymous blog it might be worth the read.
Amazon - Smashwords - Barnes and Nobles

📄 Written Content on Hive
I publish written content on Hive, usually a written version of my videos, but sometimes also just standalone written content under @natebowie
Hive.Blog Profile

📌 Guides, Pamphlets, Tutorials & Other Serious Projects
Some things like standalone guides are more in depth and less likely to become irrelevant. I also occasionally work on collaborations or other projects. All of these are completely free, and (mostly) within my website with no trackers or downloads required. I would personally consider them very well worth checking out, but I guess I'd be biased on that.
List of Guides, Articles, & Other Projects by Me

📱 Contact Me / Socials
The best way for you to get in contact with me would probably be to contact me on social media. Use them you ever want to ask questions the technologies I write/speak about, cuss me out, or debate the need for the oxford comma. @ me or send me a message. I'll probably see a message on Mastodon faster than on Twitter.
Mastodon @natebowie@mastodon.social - Twitter @NathanBowie6